Best gratitude exercises to boost your mood + journal prompts
Are you struggling to find happiness in your life? Then it’s time to try gratitude exercises. Studies show that practicing gratitude can significantly boost your mood. With just a few minutes each day, you will feel happier and more content. This post outlines gratitude exercises, and I included journal prompts as well, to help kickstart your gratitude journey. Let’s make gratitude a daily habit and see how it transforms your day-to-day life.
Gratitude is more than just saying “thank you.” It’s feeling deep sense of appreciation for the good things in life. It’s finding all the good you have in your life, feeling grateful for it, and realizing how lucky you are.
Practicing gratitude might not come naturally at first, but practicing it regularly will improve your mood and make you happier and more appreciative of everything you have in life. Feeling grateful becomes easier and easier the more you do it.
Gratitude is when you feel thankful for the positive aspects of your life. This could be anything from appreciating a sunny day, a kind gesture from a friend, or even your health. What matters is that you find things to be grateful for each and every day, no matter how small or big the thing is. Because when you focus on gratitude, you shift your attention away from what you lack and concentrate on what you have which makes you feel happier and joyous.

Expressing gratitude has several benefits for your mental health. It can reduce stress, anxiety, and even symptoms of depression. When you take time to appreciate the positive things in your life, you are more likely to feel happier and more satisfied.
According to Mayo Clinic Health System, gratitude can improve your overall well-being and can have lasting positive effects on your mental health. Also, research from Mental Health First Aid indicates that practicing gratitude acts as a protective factor against mental health issues.
10 benefits of praticing gratitude regularly:
- Better mental health: Regular gratitude practice can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. It encourages a positive mindset and helps you shift your mindset, especially if you’re on your way to changing your fixed mindset. Practicing gratitude is one of the 15 effective ways to build a growth mindset.
- Better relationships: Showing appreciation for the people around you can deepen your connections. Expressing gratitude makes others realize that you appreciate, value and respect them which strengthens bonds with them.
- Improves sleep quality: Taking a moment to reflect on what you’re grateful for before you fall asleep can calm your mind and help you sleep better at night.
- Improved resilience: Recognizing things you’re grateful for can help you bounce back from tough times. Knowing you have an amazing life, just one or two sucky days in between will help you be more resilient during tougher days. By acknowledging the good even in tough times, you train your brain to recover more quickly from stress and setbacks.
- Better physical health: Grateful people tend to have lower blood pressure and fewer illnesses.
- Boosts self-esteem: Focusing on what you appreciate in your life can improve your self-worth. If you keep pushing yourself down, not appreciating anything then it makes sense you’ll feel shitty. But if you appreciate yourself and find the good things in your life, it’ll help you feel better, appreciate yourself more and recognize your own value.
- Reduces toxic emotions: While you’re feeling grateful and positive, you can’t feel sad, angry or bitter. Gratitude will make your feelings of envy, resentment, and bitterness smaller or they’ll completely disappear. It’ll also help you to have a more positive outlook.
- Encourages positive behavior: Being thankful can encourage you to act more generously and compassionately. When you realize the good in your life, it’s more likely that you’ll want to share that positivity with others.
- Enhances optimism: By focusing on good things, you naturally become more hopeful about the future. This optimism can lead to better mental health, increased motivation, and your overall well-being. It acts as a self-reinforcing loop: the more you practice gratitude, the more positive you become, and vice versa.
- Improves overall happiness: When you focus on what you’re thankful for, you shift your attention away from what’s lacking in your life. This shift will lead you to have a more positive outlook. Studies show that people who regularly practice gratitude exercises are generally happier and more content.

Incorporating gratitude exercises into your daily routine is a game-changer. Since I started practicing gratitude daily my overall optimism is much stronger and I feel so much better in day-to-day life.
It’s really such a simple practice but it will impact your life in all the good amazing ways. Ready to start? Let’s see how you can start practicing right away.
1. Daily gratitude journaling
Gratitude journaling is simple practice that you can easily incorporate into your daily life. By taking a few minutes each day to write down what you’re grateful for, you will train your brain to focus on the positive aspects of your life.
Whenever we try to incorporate something new in our life one of the most important things is that we’re consistent. At least in the beginning when we’re not used to doing the thing on a day-to-day basis.
A thing that can help you be consistent is setting a regular time each day to write in your journal. Chose the time of the day that fits best in your schedule, it can be morning, before bed or anytime in between.
Doing your gratitude practice in the morning will help you set a positive tone for the rest of your day. I usually do it in the morning, and I actually send a message to myself on my phone, trying to find at least 15 things I’m grateful for. I like doing it this way because this way my gratitude list is always with me, I can check or add on it throughout the day, and I can always reread it if I feel down.
When choosing the time it’s important that you choose a time where you have time to focus, feel the gratitude and not be disturbed. So whatever time works best for you, that time is the best. Whichever time you choose, just try to make it a daily habit.
If it’s hard for you to find 10 or 15 minutes at the same time every day, you can do it piece by piece. Important thing is that you do it, so whatever way or time fits best in your day, do that.

If you’re not sure what to write or how to approach gratitude journaling, I gathered a few ideas for you to get started:
- Three good things: Each day, write down 3 good things that happened or if you’re doing a morning practice, you can write about 3 good things that happened the day before. They don’t have to be big; even the smallest moments count.
- People you appreciate: Think about the people in your life who you are grateful for. Write about what’s making you feel grateful, is it something they did for you? Maybe the way they act? Or the way that they make you feel?
- Personal achievements: Write about something you accomplished, doesn’t matter how small. It could be appreciation that you woke up on time, or went to bed on time, or that you appreciate the way you’re dressed today, or the workout you did yesterday. What matters is that you recognize your efforts and what you do, which will also help with your self-esteem and realizing your own value.
- Nature and surroundings: You can find gratitude in nature and things that surround you. Is it a great sunny day? Are flowers blossoming and you just love the way that they smell? Is the temperature outside just perfect? Everything can be a source of gratitude if you look at it from the right aspect.
- Acts of kindness: Do you have a person in your life that helps you every day? Did a kind stranger smile at you? Maybe a coworker made coffee for you? Kindness, whether given or received, is a great thing to be thankful for.
Journal prompts to help you get started:
- Name 10 things you like about yourself.
- What is the best moment that happened to you this past week?
- What are three good things that happened to you today?
- Describe three moments from this week that made you smile.
- What are three things that went better than expected this week?
- Who are three people you are grateful for and why?
- What are three qualities you admire in a friend or family member?
- What is something you wished for years ago that you have oday?
- What are personal achievements you are proud of this week?
- Describe three goals you have achieved recently.
- What are the skills or talents you are grateful for having?
- List three challenges you overcame and how you did it.
- How did you grow as a person in the past year?
- What are three things you love about your home?
- What is your favorite thing about where you live?
- What are three kind things others have done for you recently?
- What do you love about your job?
- What have you learned this past year? How did it benefit you?
- What is something beautiful you saw today?
- What painful experince has helped you to grow? What did it teach you?
If you want more gratitude journal prompts to answer, I have a post 100 best gratitude journal questions to help you get started.

Daily gratitude journaling can become a rewarding habit, that will help you feel better, as long as you do it everyday. Don’t overcomplicate, keep it simple, be consistent and just do it.
2. Gratitude letters
Writing gratitude letters is another powerful way of practicing gratitude. It helps people know how much they mean to you. It’s like giving a small piece of your heart to someone who has made a difference in your life.
We too often forget that it doesn’t take much to bring a smile on someone’s face and brighten their day. When choosing who to write your gratitude letters to, think about the people who impacted your life in a good day.
Writing a gratitude letter is more than just saying “thank you.” It’s about expressing why you’re thankful and why you appreciate that person. Letter can be long or could be just a simple “I appreciate you because…” one sentence message.
Writing these letters will have an emotional impact on both you and the recipient. Just imagine how amazing it feels to brighten a day of someone you love or appreciate. We’re usually quickly to tell what bothers us, and too rarely express what we love or appreciate.
For more tips on writing gratitude letters, check out Positive Psychology and The New York Times.
3. Gratitude walks
Taking a gratitude walk is more than just going for a stroll. It’s about actually taking time, being present in the moment and truly appreciate what’s around you. Or you can use the gratitude walk to think about your life and all of the things you’re grateful for.
As you walk, focus on things you’re thankful for, big or small. This practice will lift your mood because you’ll do something for your physical and mental state.

Mindfulness during walks
Practicing mindfulness during your gratitude walk can take the experience to a new level. Start by taking deep breaths. As you inhale and exhale slowly, pay attention to your breath. Feel the air fill your lungs and then release.
While walking, try these techniques to enhance your mindfulness:
- Deep breathing: Whenever you feel your mind wandering, take a few deep breaths. The best way is to inhale for 5 seconds and exhale for at least a second longer than what your inhale was. This helps to center your thoughts, calm and bring you back to the present moment.
- Observation: Look around and take in your surroundings. Notice the colors, shapes, and textures. Is there a tree with beautiful leaves? Maybe a flower that catches your eye? Feel the ground beneath your feet.
- Five senses check: Engage all your senses. What do you see, hear, smell, touch, and taste? This technique will ground you in the moment and make you feel present in the moment and calm you.
By incorporating these mindfulness techniques, you can make your gratitude walk not only a physical exercise but also a mental and emotional one.
Taking a walk while focusing on things you are grateful for is a simple yet powerful practice. It helps clear your mind and allows your body to find a rhythm, making you feel more content and at peace.
4. Gratitude jar
A gratitude jar is a simple way to remind yourself of the good things in life. By writing down things you are thankful for on slips of paper and placing them in the jar, you can create a visual and written reminders of positivity and gratitude. Whenever you need a little boost, you can read through the notes and remember what you are grateful for.

Decorating your gratitude jar can make it more personalized and encourage you to use it regularly. Here are some creative ways to decorate your gratitude jar:
- Use ribbon and twine: Tie colorful ribbons or rustic twine around the neck of the jar. This adds a touch of elegance and makes the jar look more inviting.
- Add stickers and labels: Place stickers or custom labels on the jar. You can find stickers with inspirational quotes, gratitude themes, or even your favorite characters.
- Paint or draw on the jar: Use acrylic paints or permanent markers to add your own designs. You can paint flowers, hearts, or abstract patterns to make the jar uniquely yours.
- Glitter and gems: For a touch of sparkle, glue glitter or tiny gems to the outside of the jar. This makes the jar shine and catch your eye, reminding you to add your notes of gratitude.
- Cover with fabric: Wrap the jar in a piece of fabric that you like. Secure it with a ribbon or rubber band, and add some decorative elements like buttons or lace.
You can find more inspiration on how to make a gratitude jar in this article Why you need a gratitude jar in your life + how to make one.
After decorating, place your gratitude jar in a spot where you will see it often. This will remind you to regularly add to it. Creating a routine, such as writing a note every evening. You can even involve friends and family, turning it into a group activity that spreads positivity within your home.
5. Daily affirmations
Incorporating gratitude into your daily routine is a powerful way to begin each day with a positive mindset. One effective method is by practicing daily affirmations. Affirmations are simple statements that you repeat to yourself to reinforce positive thoughts. Over time, they can help rewire your brain to focus on the good in your life, rather than the negative.
Creating your own gratitude affirmations is simple and it’s great because it’s always a good idea to make your affirmations personal, so they actually mean something to you. Examples of good affirmations (that you can change however you want to) are:
- I am grateful for all the love and support I receive everyday.
- I appreciate the small moments of joy in my day.
- I am thankful for my health and the ability to move my body.
- I am grateful for the beauty of nature that surrounds me.
What matters is that you choose or create affirmations that feel good to you, will fit your experiences and what you value most.
Incorporating affirmations is simple: repeat them in the morning when you wake up, write them in your journal, say them at loud when you can, just repeat, repeat, repeat. Be consistent and repeat them until you believe them and feel each word with every fiber of your being.
The goal of daily affirmations is to create a habit of positive thinking. By focusing on the good things in your life, no matter how small, you will find more gratitude and joy in your life and your whole look on life will be more grateful and joyful.
6. Gratitude visualization
Visualizing gratitude is a powerful exercise that helps you see and feel what you are thankful for. While visualizating you’re creating vivid mental images and emotionally connecting with your blessings, which will boost your mood.

Guided visualization techniques
Gratitude visualization doesn’t have to be a complicated routine that you need to incorporate in your life. It can be super simple yet effective:
- Find a quiet space: Start by finding a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. If you’re not living alone ask people to be quiet and leave you alone for the 10-15 minutes while you’re doing the practice. Sit or lie down (whatever is comfortable for you), close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to relax. Breathe in through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, and exhale through your mouth for a second or two longer than what your inhale was.
- Picture a calm scene: Think of a serene place that makes you feel happy and calm. It can be a beautiful beach, a forest, or even your cozy living room. This scene is your mental canvas and your mental escape.
- Visualize your blessings: Now, picture different things you are grateful for appearing in this scene. Imagine your family, friends, achievements, or even small joys like a sunny day or a favorite meal. See them vividly and feel the warmth they bring to your heart.
- Immerse yourself: As each image comes to your mind, try to feel the gratitude deeply. Imagine yourself smiling, your heart filling with happiness, and your stress melting away.
- Reflect and affirm: After spending some time in this visualization, take a moment to reflect on how it makes you feel. Affirm your gratitude by silently saying, “I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.”

Practicing gratitude visualization will transform your perspective, making you more attuned to the positive aspects of your life. For more techniques and guided scripts, check out How to practice visualization meditation: 3 best scripts.
7. The 10-finger gratitude exercise
The 10-finger gratitude exercise is such a simple but powerful way to bring mindfulness and positivity into your daily routine. It’s an easy practice that anyone can do, making it perfect for kids and adults.
Practicing the 10-finger gratitude exercise is easy and only takes a few minutes:
- Find a quiet spot: Begin by finding a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. This can be a cozy corner at home, a break room at work, or a peaceful spot in a park. What matters is that you feel relaxed, safe and you can take your time to focus on doing the practice.
- Take a deep breath: Start by taking a deep breath in through your nose and then exhaling slowly through your mouth. Repeat this a few times. This helps to center your mind and relax your body, preparing you for the exercise.
- Extend your hands: Stretch out your hands in front of you with fingers spread out. Each finger will represent something you are grateful for.
- Begin counting: Start with your thumb and think of something you’re grateful for. It can be anything from a sunny day to a supportive friend.
- Move to the next finger: Continue to your next finger, acknowledging another thing you’re thankful for. Try to focus on feeling the gratitude as you mentally note each item.
- Reach all 10 fingers: Proceed with this process until you reach all ten fingers. It might get challenging as you get to the last few, but this encourages you to dig deeper and recognize even the small things in life that bring you joy.
- Reflect: Once you’ve finished, take another deep breath. Reflect on the ten things you’ve counted. Notice how this makes you feel more positive and appreciative.
By using the 10-finger gratitude exercise, you can easily make gratitude a daily habit. It’s a fantastic way to start or end your day on a positive note.

8. Gratitude challenges
Gratitude challenges are an excellent way to remind yourself of the good things in life while keeping things fun and exciting. By doing these challenges, either individually or with a group, you can consistently practice and build your attitude of gratitude. Doing challenges is a great way to have fun, enjoy yourself and develop a more positive mindset.
Ideas for challenges
- 30-day gratitude photo challenge
- Each day, take a photo of something you’re grateful for. It can be anything from the sunrise to a cup of coffee. You can share your photos on social media and include other people in the challenge, keep them in an album on your phone or print them out and create an album for yourself.
- Gratitude journal challenge
- For the next 30 days, write down 5 things you’re thankful for each day. By the end of the month you’ll have 150 things to be grateful for. This can be a great way to remind yourself of all the good things in your life when life gets tough and complicated. You can gather each individual month at the end of the year and have a year review, or even create a year full of gratitude box, where you gather all your gratitude notes from the year.
- 5-day gratitude challenge
- Inspired by TED’s 5-day challenge, you can try these five exercises to boost your gratitude:
- Day 1: Write a thank-you note to someone who positively impacted your life.
- Day 2: Pay attention to all the small acts of kindness around you and acknowledge them.
- Day 3: Reflect on a happy memory and write about why it was special. Include the details, how you felt and what made you feel happy.
- Day 4: Share something you’re grateful for with a friend or family member.
- Day 5: Spend time in nature and appreciate its beauty.
- Inspired by TED’s 5-day challenge, you can try these five exercises to boost your gratitude:
- Random acts of kindness challenge
- For a week, commit to doing at least one kind act each day. It could be as simple as holding the door open for someone or paying for a stranger’s coffee. Notice how these acts contribute to your sense of gratitude and at the end of the day you can write about how the act made you feel or how the person responded to your kindness.
When choosing a challenge to do, is essential that you find a challenge that resonates with you and you’ll be able to do it. Whatever you decide to do, the most important thing is that you practice gratitude consistently and genuinely.

At the begginging the feeling of gratitude may feel a little weird, or you maybe won’t find as many things to be grateful for, but with practicing regularly and building on the feelings of gratitude, the practice will become easier and easier.
Practicing gratitude exercises is a great way to find more positivity and thankfulness in your life and has many benefits. These exercises will boost your mood, lower your stress and improve the way you look at life.
Regularly practicing gratitude is a simple way, that doesn’t take a lot of your time, is fun and improves your overall well-being. Try to incorproate at least one of the gratitude exercises in your daily routine. Don’t overcomplicate it, start small and make sure you have fun.
When you notice the change in yourself and find yourself happier and more optimistic, you’ll see how can such a small, short practice improve your life tremendously.
And don’t forget, you got this and everything will be ok!